The Letitia Carson Legacy Project is committed to connecting past with present, history with reconciliation. Like Letitia Carson, our Project grows and relies on community.

Please join our LCLP community! Learn about Letitia Carson, attend one of our events, dig into the stories in our digital collection, and learn about and support our partners in their own work towards restorative justice.

And please consider a donation to support the Letitia Carson Legacy Project as we grow.

  • In 2020-2021 (phase 1), we focused on outreach and initial visioning of possibilities.
  • We are now in the middle of phase 2: Planting Seeds, First Harvest, Growing Community.

Your gift today supports archaeological exploration, storytelling through the digital collection, traveling exhibit, and more; public events at the land and homestead site; projects and field trips for both K-12 youth and university students; and even more innovative ideas now in development.

Your gift moves us toward our long-term goal: that Letitia Carson’s story is widely known, inspiring and enabling Black Oregonians, Native and Indigenous community members, and the wider community to connect with the land as a source of healing, entrepreneurship, and economic justice, and inspiring critical examination of Oregon’s contemporary racial demographics and inequalities.

To donate, please contact us: